Friday Funnies


Last night my sister and I were sitting in the den and I said to her,

‘I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle to keep me alive. That would be no quality of life at all… if that ever happens, just pull the plug.
So she got up, unplugged the computer, and threw out my wine.
She’s such a bitch.

(Thanks for that one, Elizabeth!)


Some oldies but goodies.  🙂

Odd Newspaper Headlines From Around the World

  • Include your children when baking cookies
  • Something went wrong in jet crash
  • Experts says police begin campaign to run down jaywalkers
  • Safety experts say that school bus passengers should be belted
  • Drunk gets nine months in violin case
  • Survivor of Siamese twins joins parents
  • Juvenile Court to try shooting defendant
  • Two Soviet ships collide, one dies
  • Red tape holds up new bridge
  • Astronaut takes blame for gas in spacecraft
  • Kids make nutritious snacks
  • Man minus ear waives hearing
  • Miners refuse to work after death


Here, kitty kitty kitty! 



Have a wonderful and awesome weekend!  😀

All rights reserved by DarcsFalcon


Categories: Just for Fun, Laughing Out Loud | Tags: , , | 11 Comments

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11 thoughts on “Friday Funnies

  1. I have to say I have the one from – I forget her name (time for the living will or worse 😉 ) It is enshrined in a special part of my computer.

    I’m pretty sure it’s Maxine. 🙂

    Luves the headlines and ze Wicked Wok. I asked my Korean student border if they ever ate Kats in Korea. He said they were specially raised and not many people he knew eat them. I only know good Koreans. Then he treated me to some Chinese in the other night. I hope it didn’t give him ideas. It tasted like chicken. Isn’t that what people say about all exotic foods? “Oh, it was OK. It tasted like – uh – chicken.”

    Great weekend to you and about Wicked Wok – let’s forgeddaboutit!

    LOL It does always “taste like chicken,” doesn’t it? Which is never true. Chicken tastes like chicken. I’m sure cat tastes like cat.

    You have a great weekend too! 🙂


  2. PS – maybe they keep Kosher in Korea (great title for a novel). Perhaps they only eat Katz – Korean for cats.

    Kosher in Korea! That is a great title! 😀


  3. those headlines are great!

    I’m glad you liked them. 🙂


  4. whatigotsofar

    You have to figure this about cat-eating. The only reason we don’t eat cats is because of our western social convention of cats being pets. In some parts of the world, pets are a silly notion. If you can’t afford to feed yourself, how can you afford to care for a pet. Hey, it’s meat, it’s food. If you were living in some natural disaster of Biblical proportions, you’d sacrifice your pets to feed your kids, right? If I was stuck on a rooftop in New Orleans during Katrina without food, I would probably resort to eating my cat. Especially if I had children to feed.
    Look at rabbits. I’ve had friends who kept rabbits as pets. I also know people who, a couple times a year, eat rabbits. Not because rabbit is all they can afford, but because rabbit is also considered food.

    I agree with you 100%. Children before pets, always. Even though we love our pets, we love our children more. But you are right in that within our culture, we have stopped thinking of many animals as food. Not cows though. Never cows!


  5. Hilarious! I love the Chinese restaurant sign. That’s classic.

    I’m glad you like it! 🙂


  6. Hey Vanessa,

    I wanted to send you a message – but don’t see anywhere to do that. Just wanted you to know that I AM thinking about you and will be praying for you. Tough days. Much love.


    Thank you so much Holly! That means more to me than you can know. 🙂 *hugs* Love back! ~V~

    Oh, still Darcsfalcon at the gmail thing. 🙂


  7. steve

    Good funnies! 🙂

    It’s good to see you smile. 🙂


  8. livingthelifeofmagoo

    thanks Elizabeth that is too funny!
    Happy Friday :o)

    My friend Elizabeth sometimes sends me stuff like that. 🙂 She made the logo thing for me over on the right side-bar too.


  9. Love the headlines and the cat sign.

    My daughter’s ex-boyfriend used to ask for Coke at the Chinese restaurant, knowing full well they served Pepsi, just so he could hear them say, “No Coke, Pesi.” You know people just like him were constantly asking for their cat.

    LOL I’m glad you said he’s her ex! 😉


    • He was funny as hell and I wish they hadn’t broken up. The boyfriend, my son and I used to laugh ourselves silly at everything. I miss him.

      I have to say, that’s kind of cool – approving of the potential son-in-law. 🙂


  10. I liked “Red tape holds up bridge”. 😀

    It brings up all kinds of images. 🙂


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