Another weird dream

This is sort of strange.  I had this dream last night, right?  It was one of those 3rd person kind of things, and I wasn’t me in the dream.  Doesn’t matter.  At the end of the dream, I could see these words written in sand.  Now, this is a little hard to describe, so bear with me, okay?  I could only see 3 lines at a time, with the top line being washed away by clear (not foamy) sea water, the middle line was clearly visible, and the 3rd line was obscure and out of focus.  It was like this 3-line “window” was moving down over the lines, so while I could only see 3 lines at a time, it was moving over something that was several lines long.  Only the middle line was focused. 

Years ago I used to read a lot about dreams and dream research.  One thing that I remember is that seeing the written word in dreams is unusual, because dreams occur on the side of our brain that doesn’t have language.  (I think that’s the right side but I can’t remember.)  That’s why dreams so often use symbols, because language is stored on the left side of the brain, and dreams come from the right side. 

So when I see words in my dreams I try to take note because I know it’s kind of rare.  In this case, I got a poem.  You should see my chicken scrawl as I tried to write with my eyes closed.  

The memory of your pleasure
Is too close to
The memory of my pain
I cannot keep them separate in my mind
Your promise was a lie

This, my promise, is true
One day you will know you need me
I won’t be there
Because of you
You sent me away
Because of me
I remain that way

Your father said
You’ll be sorry if you let her go
You said
It’s just for a little while
Your father said
Nothing is ever just a little while


It made me feel kind of sad.  I’m not sure why, it was just a dream.  And no, I don’t do drugs before I go to bed.


PS – almost forgot to tell you – there’s an awesomely cool website that’s re-enacting the Apollo moon mission in real time – check it out!  They’re doing tweets too, so it’s like getting tweets from the astronauts. 

Categories: Thinking out loud, WTF? | Tags: , | 5 Comments

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5 thoughts on “Another weird dream

  1. My will like the moon video. Very cool.

    I remember reading that about not seeing the written word in dreams. I know I’ve dreamed about reading, but I can’t remember seeing words on the page. My mother used to dream words a lot though–but my mother was an usual sort of person. She was forever getting weird scores on personality tests and things like that. Not that I’m saying you’re weird. No. I’m just saying, there does seem to be something to dreaming about writing–about being able to read the words.

    Those words do have a sad feeling to them, but I don’t see what is wrong with that.

    It’s okay, you can say I’m weird. 🙂 I don’t mind being called what’s true. I often get weird scores on personality tests too.


  2. Between you and your hubby you need to write a book. Seriously. Your poem made me sad….

    Honestly, we’ve thought about writing a book about some events in our life, but figured it wouldn’t be fun reading. So now we blog. 🙂


  3. I see that as a huge gift. I’d love to receive a poem in a dream.

    Why thank you! 🙂 I guess I hadn’t thought of it that way before.


    • sherri

      I’ve read the poem several times now. The first few lines get me. “The memory of your pleasure is too close to the memory of my pain”

      You know, I’ve read it several times too. Since I dreamed it, I don’t feel that I can take any kind of credit for it. It’s like … detached from me. Like someone else wrote it. So I read the words and I sort of feel – I guess intimidated works.

      That first line throws me for a loop too.


  4. Great poem! Lately, I’ve been too tired to dream.

    Thanks. 🙂 Oh, I hate those nights when I can’t recall my dreams – feels like the whole sleep thing has been wasted and I missed a good show.


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