Daily Archives: October 19, 2010

Tuesday Tootsies


You know how it is.  You go out on a date, just wanting to have a good time.  Only you end up in a fight with someone for no good reason you can understand.  




Good thing you live in a concealed carry state and have come armed!




To the teeth!




And thensome.  ;)  Bullets included!




Before you know it, there’s blood everywhere.  That’s the last time you wear white to a shooting!  But that guy deserved it.  Sometimes a person just needs killin’.




But, what to do with the body?  Only one thing – set the place on fire.  Then run for your life!


Getting all set for Halloween?  😉

Be sweet to your feet and as always, click the pics for links.  🙂

All rights reserved by DarcsFalcon

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