Posts Tagged With: Footware

Tuesday Tootsies

Hey, I had an idea!  Well, okay, no I didn’t.  Darc had an idea, which he got from a blog I read that I’ve told him about.  Let me set this up a little.

I follow a blog called Seraphic Secret.  The writer of the blog is a Conservative Jewish scriptwriter in Hollywood – is that an awesome combo or what?  Anyway, before Shabbat he often does this thing he calls Friday Footwear.  It started as sort of a little family quirk when his wife and daughters didn’t want him to take face pictures of them for his blog so he quipped, “Well then, let me take a picture of your shoes.”  The rest is history.  Darc has occasionally (oh all right, frequently) heard me complain about not having anything to blog about.  So he suggested I do something like the Friday Footware thing, something fun that didn’t require a lot of contemplation (because nobody contemplates like I do).  I kind of resisted because I didn’t want to do a direct rip-off of Friday Footware, and I don’t have any shoes worthy to take pictures of myself.  (You really don’t want to see my gym shoes, trust me on this!)  Then the idea of Tuesday Tootsies struck me, and I thought, what a great idea!  I’ll find pictures of shoes I’d buy if I could, sort of like dream shoes, and blog about that!  How cool is that?  (Shut up and get with the program here!)  I’m going to indulge my shoe thing.  Come along for the ride!  Or should that be stride?



I love these shoes – they’re so cute – so much like a sandal and so much like a pump, all rolled into one.  Great for summertime.  I like the strappy-ness and the wooden heels.  I think they’re sexy.  Not bad for $90!  (like I’d ever pay that much for a pair of shoes!  It’s fantasy footware!)  Plus, they also come in purple and teal for the more adventurous types.  Which, when it comes to shoes, I am.  😀

ps – click the pic for the link

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