Thursday Thankfulness

I’m really not sure what I’m thankful for today.  Breathing, I suppose.  And no, not because I quit smoking, but because I am finding it necessary to just take a breath. 

Things are extremely tenuous right now in The Darc House.  It appears that Darc’s computer, the one that has been doing double duty since mine died, is about to die too.  And if that happens, we are screwed.  The project he’s been working on can only be done on that computer.  And I just don’t know how much longer this poor old laptop is going to last either. 

So I take a breath, a deep one, and remind myself that God is in charge, that He’s been taking down obstacle after obstacle throughout this entire project – that has been an amazing and wondrous thing to see!  And I also keep reminding myself that for months now I have felt the Lord just calming me and telling me that everything would be okay. 

But if that computer dies then things won’t be okay! 

So I take another breath, and remember that I am grateful to be breathing, because the alternative is … ungood.  And God is still in charge and nothing will stand in His way.  If the computer dies, He’ll remove the obstacle that will present as well.  And if it doesn’t die, then we still win, either way. 


Everything will be okay.  Take a deep breath.  Repeat.


UPDATE:  I felt I should give you all an update on the “sitch” here.  I wrote this post last night in the midst of what was happening.  I figured I should probably get a post uploaded ASAP in case the router died and we weren’t able to get online. 

So far the problem seems to be related to something that Windows decided – through the updates most likely – that it didn’t like something about the brand of NIC we were using.  Darc took the NIC out of my currently dead computer and tried that one, again FAIL.  So he took the NIC out of my old computer, which was a different brand of NIC, and so far that one seems to be fine. 

As for me, all my emotions are a bit closer to the surface lately as I learn new skills for dealing with things.  For 3 decades, I just puffed my troubles away.  Believe me, it has it’s merits!  You just kind of exhale the frustrations out and voilá!  You are much more able to calmly deal with things.  Anyone who smokes knows what I’m talking about.  :)  I called it my crutch for a reason, yes I did, but now my crutch is gone so I’m learning how to limp along with those crazy “emotion” things that people have, that I apparently have too.  Who knew?! 


Categories: Thankfulness | Tags: | 10 Comments

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10 thoughts on “Thursday Thankfulness

  1. Breathe, Fal, breathe! Be in the moment. Right now that computer is working. That could also go on your thankful list for the day, no?

    Yes, absolutely!

    I’m breathing dolly! I’d add, “as fast as I can,” but then I’d just be hyperventilating and that would not be a good thing!


  2. kreestee

    Is it something fixable on the desktop that can be replaced to make it last longer or is it definitely in its death throes (ie multiple drive and motherboard failure?) Computers are surprisingly resilient and fixible… unless you drop them in your swimming pool. That would take a miracle to fix.

    On an unrelated note, I washed both a flash drive *and* a memory stick from our camera. Surprisingly enough, both still work.

    Let me know if you need parts or help diagnosing the problem. I’ve got mad technical resources at my disposal. 😀

    Yeah, I suspect – what with my motherboard dying last summer and both computers being identical – that his computer is not long for this earth either. And even though Darc’s the one with the years in the IT business, even I know that a blown MB is hopeless. So we’re keeping our fingers crossed in the meantime that it’s just a NIC issue, perhaps something with the driver, because he cannibalized my old, old computer that I wouldn’t let him toss out a few years ago and so far it seems to be holding. Different NIC, different brand, different driver – so far so good.

    I remember you telling me about the washed flash drive – that just killed me! You’re one of those lucky ones I think. Darc’s flash wasn’t even thinking of taking a bath and it died.

    If we need something, I’ll be sure and let you know, don’t worry. 🙂


  3. If God is for us, who can be against us? We’ll get through this and anything else which comes our way with His help, babe.

    This I know. All things are possible with Him. I also know that whatever obstacles present themselves, He is glorified when they are removed.

    And hey, if He could bring Lazarus back to life, then a dead computer isn’t any kind of challenge at all. 😉 LTY


  4. steve

    I recommend letting the ‘mad technical rescouce’ help you with your computer; alot of times a ‘tune up can help. I bought an old Compaq laptop off eBay a few months ago for $175.00 and after cleaning is up a bit, works like a champ.
    Anyway, it saddens me that you’re somewhat down. I’m hoping (for what that’s worth) things get much better for you guys soon.

    Thanks Steve. 🙂

    I’m not so much down as … how to explain … my mad coping skillz came 20 to a pack. Now I don’t have access to my crutch so I have to figure out new ways to deal with things. There’s a steep learning curve for me, I’m sure. 🙂

    Darc’s been an IT tech guy for several years, so he’s pretty good at being my technical resource, and he’s always been able to diagnose any problem we’ve encountered. It’s just a matter of money. We can’t run out to pick up a new network card, or router, or motherboard – whatever the problem is.

    I should probably update my post. I wrote it at a critical moment, when I wasn’t sure I’d even be able to post it.

    Thanks for worrying about me, Steve. *hug*


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  6. My son told me HP is making a netbook for $70. They are sold at Target and are pretty much like the one I paid $300 for. I’m curious to see what they are like and I know $70 might as well be $700 when money’s tight, but it might be something to look into.

    That’s a possibility I suppose, if something else happens. Things like this are always good to know. Thanks for sharing that, because I had no idea. 🙂


  7. Deep breathing is good…makes it more difficult to hyperventilate. 😉

    LOL Yeah, hyperventilating is bad, very bad!


  8. Good thoughts to you and what you’re going through. You’ll come through.

    Thank you Marta. 🙂 Every vote of confidence helps. 🙂


  9. I’m so, so, so proud of you. I still use crutches;) Feel free to vent any and all obscenities at my place. I won’t tell;)

    LOL You have no idea how daring that statement is, do you? 😉

    Re: netbooks-be careful. I bought one for my daughter not realizing they have many limitations. They are truly NETbooks–no CD drive, limited software and memory. I bought an external drive thinking I’d solve the problem and my daughter could play her Sims game (ahem) and nope, no go because no video card. Good for checking email, youtube, chatting, etc. Probably okay for Windows Live stuff. Not good for other things.

    Ah, yes, this was my understanding. I don’t think that would do the job we need, as the project is super-intensive software heavy. But how nice to hear your daughter loves the Sims! I have them on my comatose computer and I miss them so bad!

    I’ll send you my computer if you promise to do all of the work that’s on it and send it back;) No time for nothing these days… I’m dyin ova here…and miss my blogging buds!

    All the work? That’s it? That’s the fee? Oh heck, I can do that!

    Seriously, we miss you too hon. Can’t wait to see your lovely self more often around this ol’ Internet. *hugs* It IS good to see you, even if only briefly.


  10. Kudos to you for quiting. More guts than I have. It’s my only vice. Well, that and really good food 😉 I can totally relate to everything being too close to the surface. Just remember, you got a lot of people around you. Keep your chin up. And if that doesn’t work, I have a 5 pound sledge hammer you can borrow, sure does help to take out those frustrations. 😀

    Thanks for the support hon! I just might take you up on that sledgehammer offer! Pounding and smashing things sure does sound appealing at times! 😉


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