I haz snow


Don’t want snow, but I got snow.  At least, as I write this, I have snow with more in the forecast. 

When I was little, I grew up in the west, where there was no snow unless it was a freak thing that happened once every 20 years or so and even then you just got a little dusting.  Once I saw the thermometer read 28* and I totally freaked out, because I didn’t know it could go below freezing and people could still live.  Snow was foreign to me.

Then I moved east.

And I got snow.  And snow.  And more snow.  And the worst winters that the locals had seen in 10 years, then 12 years. 

I hate snow. 

Sure, it’s pretty in pictures – but even people who don’t get snow regularly and think it’s so neat and so cool and so pretty get doggone good and sick of it after just a couple of weeks.  You know who you are!  😉

Try living with it for months and months and months and months at a time, year after year.  It’s cold and wet and cold and slippery.  And cold.  Did I say cold?  It’s cold. 

One day, as God is my witness, I will never live with snow for so many months at a time again! 

In the meantime … *splat*  Hahahahaha!  Got you with a snowball!  Betcha didn’t see that one coming!  😉


Categories: Just for Fun, LOLz, Memories, Seasonal | Tags: , , , | 12 Comments

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12 thoughts on “I haz snow

  1. whatigotsofar

    Oh, is Faucon afwaid of a wittue snow.

    C’mon, grow a pair.

    Oh I have a pair, make no mistake about that. They’ve just been FROZEN from all the dang snow and cold!


  2. Kate

    Sounds horrible – the wet and months at a time part. 😦
    “The worst winters in 12 years” must be all that climate change.
    Ha, ducked the snowball, it got WIGSF instead 🙂

    Climate change – ha! Back then I think we were still afraid of the coming ice age. 😉 It sure looked like it too, with all the snow!



  3. I know I’m included in the “you know who you are” part. In a normal season we’d be past the possibility of snow by now, but I’m not even bothering to cross my fingers. This season has been too unpredictable.

    Hahaha! Snow is always pretty when it’s someone else’s snow, but never when it’s your own. That’s my theory. 😀 I just saw a graph last night that the last decade has been the snowiest in the last 40 years, too. http://wattsupwiththat.com/2010/03/02/2001-2010-was-the-snowiest-decade-on-record/


  4. Things need to turn around so you can go on a nice tropic vacation. 🙂 (I ducked too – WIGSF got hit again)

    Ooh, a tropic vacation sounds nice and warm! 😀


    • whatigotsofar

      What’s up with this shit??? I’m not a freakin’ whack-a-mole.

      See, the women are always taking shots at me.

      Hahaha! Admit it, you love it!


      • whatigotsofar

        NO I do not.

        Screw this shit, I’m going home.

        *muttering* Crazy Canuckian! “I love the snow” he says, “I love the cold” he says, and then can’t take a little pwning by a bunch of girls. 🙄

        The door was open! Chief Party Pooper! 😛


  5. steve

    65-68-68 … highs for the next three days here in Ft. Worth! Oh yeah! (don’t mean to rub it in … well maybe just a little :))

    Meanie! LOL I just checked our forecast and we might make it into the 40s over the weekend. Looks like I’m heading to TX! 😉


  6. It doesn’t really snow here, but last year it snowed hard (well, hard for Vegas). It was the first time I ever drove in snow, and I swear to your I drove about 5 mph, and it took me 45 minutes to get home (usually a 5 minute drive)!! I am impressed by anyone who can function like a normal person in snow.

    You’re probably somewhat like I was when I was growing up. Snow was basically foreign. Around here, it cracks me up because people will drive like maniacs in the snow – 70 mph on the highway, but a little rain causes them to freak out and slow to a crawl. 🙄 I’ll never get it!


  7. All of our snow is melting, probably to make room for more. We get heavy, heavy snowfall in the spring; not only lots of it, but very wet snow.

    Every spring I say I need to have some gravel hauled in for my driveway so I’m not sinking in mud up to my ankles and every spring the mud dries out and I forget about it. If I got gravel, I’d have to spread it and I can barely be unlazy enough to vacuum my carpet.

    LOL Still, that gravel might mean less of a need to vacuum. So there might be a greater pay-off there. 🙂


  8. In my favorite novel Watership Down the narrator notes that only humans like winter. And only humans who can afford shelter and fire at that. For animals in the wild winter is hard, dangerous, and lacking in enough food. Liking winter is a luxury!

    ROFL Proof of my inhumanity, right there! 😀


    • Well, I grew up in Florida. Winter is not my friend!

      Winter is mean! Mean and cruel, the bully of the seasonal block!


  9. I love a good snowball fight! splat back at ya 🙂

    D’oh! You got me! Right in the head too! Sneaky! LOL


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