Thursday Thankfulness


It took me a while but I figured out what I’m thankful for this week.  Now, don’t laugh, but I’m thankful for keyboard shortcuts.  Specifically, the keyboard shortcuts for the Google Reader and for Mozilla’s FireFox

Why would I be thankful for something like that, you ask?  Well, I’ll tell you!  For some reason, the mouse seems to hang on this computer.  In fact, pretty much everything hangs.  When I click a link, it’ll take probably a full minute for it to open.  If I click down on the scroll bar, nothing moves.  If I try to click over to another tab, nothing moves.  Everything just hangs … waiting … processing.  Laptop by Flintstones, that’s why.  This poor little thing with it’s impossibly slow processor just doesn’t want to move in real time with mouse clicks.  So, I found the keyboard shortcuts and know what?  It helps!  Granted, it’s not like, fast, or anything, but it is faster than trying to cope with waiting for the mouse to get moving.  Now I can just hit the “j” key to get to the next item in my Reader, and don’t have to wait several minutes for the stupid scroll bar to work. 

Silly, yes I know, but it’s the simple pleasures in life, right?  One of these days, you’ll all be so jealous of the computers I’m going to have.  In the meantime, me and my “j” key and my “m” key are going to continue on in our new relationship.  🙂

Thankfulness?  You know you have one!  Care to share?

All rights reserved by DarcsFalcon

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7 thoughts on “Thursday Thankfulness

  1. whatigotsofar

    Keyboard shortcuts are super awesome terrific.

    When I was in college studying computer programming, all of the first semester courses were geared at making sure every student had a bedrock of information on certain matters and subjects. One course specifically was proper usage and understanding of Windows.
    Most people in the class, if not all, were very familiar with using Windows. That is why during the very first lab period, the teacher told us all to perform some simple function on the computer. It kind of went like this:

    Teach: Okay everybody, I want you all to open a text document, type ‘hello world’ save the document, close the application then delete the document. But wait, wait wait wait. Before you begin, unplug the mouse.

    Most of the class got stumped at the deletion of the document.

    Keyboard shortcuts are super awesome terrific.

    Most of the class … but not you I bet! I can just picture them all sitting there not having a clue what to do, lol. 🙂 I bet you were struggling not to laugh out loud.

    They are super awesome terrific! 🙂


  2. I’m trying to get my husband to learn keyboard shortcuts, but he insists on using the mouse instead. Copying and pasting take virtually forever.

    Maybe if you explained that the mouse is basically the middleman between you and the computer? Maybe that might inspire him. 🙂


  3. OMG – more tech stuff to cram into an old brain. I’ll get it. Will there be cookies?

    Not that tech-y, honest. 🙂 And there are ALWAYS cookies here dear. Never fear! 😀


  4. PS – I’m thankful you tell us these things.

    AND – my Thursday mantra: I’m grateful for DF and DK.

    And I’m grateful for you too. 🙂 *hug*


  5. Kindles are taking the country by storm . A Florida school system replaced their textbooks this year with Kindles. They gave each student a kindle,put the textbooks on that and still saved money!

    So … I take it you are thankful for Kindles, then?

    I’m also thankful for no spam!


  6. No need to ever apologize for being thankful for the small things. There are no big things without the little ones.

    Touche! You got me there. 🙂

    I’m thankful for good conversations and naps.

    Ahh, 2 of my favorite things too!


  7. I’m in a sour mood so I’m going to say, “I’m thankful for nothing!”

    I think we all have days like that. I hope things look up for you soon!


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