Daily Archives: June 24, 2010

Thursday Thankfulness

image “So … what’s with all the peaches?” asked Darc.
”Huh?  What do you mean?”
”Once a year or so you go through this peach thing where you buy a bunch of canned peaches.”
”I do?  Hmm.  I never noticed.  I don’t know why.”
”And why don’t—“
”Because I hate the fuzzy.”
”How did—“
”It’s what I do.”

That is pretty much a conversation that Darc and I had at the grocery store last week.  I don’t know what’s up with the peach thing, but he’s right, I do seem to go through this peachy phase every so often.  So I figured I must be pretty thankful for them.  :)  I mean think about it, how lucky are we that we can just walk into a store and get fruit?  That’s pretty awesome.  I remember reading how fruit was such a rare treat, like in the Little House books, Laura Ingalls relates an incident where she went to a party and everyone got an orange.  She was so thrilled that she took the entire thing home and gave each of her family members a wedge of it, because it was so special.  And I can walk into a store and see bags of fresh ones, and cans by the yard on the shelves.  Not to mention frozen fruits.  Juices too.  I’m pretty lucky.  Had I lived 150 years ago, I might only know of peaches from books.  Now I can have some in only the time it takes to get to the grocery store.  :)  Peachy keen!  😀

What are you thankful for this week?image

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