This Week’s Thoughts

Some interesting stuff I’ve seen around the web this week and thought I’d share with you.  Smile

Pierley/Redford personality test

via A Fascinating, Weird Personality Test | Hooking Up Smart.

This test really is weird.  The personality part is something only you can decide.  Winking smile
Timelapse Video of San Francisco-to-Paris Flight Captures Aurora Borealis – Yahoo! News. This video is über-cool!

This letter-to-the-editor actually appeared in a major San Francisco newspaper…

via Reaganite Republican: SHAME ON YOU, Hunters!.

I can help it – I get giggle fits every time I see this.  😆
The best chocolate bars – Food on Shine. Nomnomnom, chocolate!
10 Places Every Kid Should See. Not just the kids!  Heck, I want to visit these places too!
Why North Dakota may be best state in country to live in: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance. Thinking of relocating?  Here are a few reasons to check out ND.

Happy Thursday!


Categories: In The News, Just for Fun, Thinking out loud | Tags: , , | 1 Comment

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One thought on “This Week’s Thoughts

  1. ND is colder than WY…just so you know.

    Well, there goes that idea. *sigh*


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