This Week’s Thoughts

Hubble Telescope 21st Anniversary

via 21st anniversary of Hubble Space Telescope’s … – Yahoo! News Photos.

Like space?  You’ll love these shots!

A Curbed SF reader sent us the above video of a magical garage door in the Upper Haight.

via Upper Haight Features World’s Coolest Garage Door – Yahoo! News.

Maybe the coolest garage door EVER

2011 Underwater Photography Contest

via MarsaAlam – Yahoo! News Photos.

Some really cool under water pictures.  I like the goby fish – colorful AND translucent.   

A man turning dirt in his back yard stumbled onto buried treasure — hundreds of pieces of centuries-old jewelry and other precious objects that Austrian authorities described Friday as a fairy-tale find.

via Austrian authorities reveal find of buried treasure – Yahoo! News.

Talk about being in the right place at the right time! 

We wouldn’t dare rank our nation’s natural assets—who could choose between Yosemite and Yellowstone? But the man-made attractions? You bet. Behold, our picks for the country’s most epic buildings, monuments, and engineering feats, with advice for navigating them smarter, better, and with fewer crowds.

via Awe-Inspiring American Monuments.

Made in America!
Some of our finest monuments. 

History’s once glorious metropolises have become ever more sought-after destinations as Americans get back into travel mode.

via 10 Cities of the Lost World.

Some ancient wonders to behold.  I think Petra is my favorite.

all of the cars on this year’s list of the Worst Cars on the Road are (still) made by domestic companies. That includes the Dodge Dakota, Chevy Tahoe Hybrid and Chrysler Town & Country. The only American car company with zero vehicles on the list? Ford.

via The Worst Cars On The Road – Yahoo! Autos.

Could your car be on the list?

The 8 craziest beds you’ll ever see

via Greatest mattress inventions in recent history – The 8 craziest beds you’ll ever see on Shine.

Okay, how do you get “military corners” on a hamburger bed?

I’ve come up with a neat idea. Neat to me, that is. I’ve had some very nice people take various pictures that involve Joel. His name places, places with the name Joel in them…Joel related. I really enjoy them. They make me happy & I think it’s neat (maybe that’s my favorite word) to have pictures from different people from different places who think “this reminds me of them” or “I think I’ll do this for them.” I’ve also discussed the fact that so many people in real life seem to be scared to even utter his name. I’d like to change that, while at the time expanding this neat thing.

For this, I bring you 365 Days With Joel.

via 365 Days With Joel: 365 Days With Joel: A Project.

Check out one mommy’s way to make memories of her baby who was stillborn.  And maybe send in a picture yourself.  Smile

Weird Houses

via Reaganite Republican: Weird Houses.

The Hello Kittty one was … pink, but the Monopoly house made me laugh out loud.  Open-mouthed smile

Some fun and interesting things to check out.  Smile  Have an awesome day!

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