Posts Tagged With: Celebrity

This Week’s Thoughts

Who could think of Elizabeth Taylor and not think of beauty?  Violet eyes and coal black hair.  She had a glamour and a certain charisma that many have tried to copy, and most have failed.  She was a lovely child who grew into a beautiful woman, seeming to skip that awkward teen phase all together. 

And the era’s end caught me by surprise.  So, Adieu Miss Elizabeth.  We bid you sweet farewell.

Elizabeth Taylor was born with it, but the rest of us have to work at it.  Even at that we probably barely get a passing grade in comparison!  LOL  I found these beauty tips online and thought I’d share them with you.

11 one-ingredient DIY face masks

4 Do-It-Yourself Hair Remedies

For sure I am going to try some of these!  Ha, I even remember the girls using some of these tricks back in the 70s, when the whole “natural” movement started. 

More important than outer beauty though, is inner beauty.  Some people ignore that, have you noticed?  We need to cultivate that too.  Kindness, compassion, empathy.  Too bad there’s not an avocado mask for any of those!  Those require real work!  It’s kind of sad, I think, that our society doesn’t seem to reward that kind of beauty as much as it does the outer beauty of a person. 

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Categories: Celebrity, In The News, Thinking out loud | Tags: , , , , , | 4 Comments

Death of a Memory


Sometime last year I did a silly post on who my celebrity crushes had been over the years, since I was around 5 or so.  One of the crushes on my list was Pierce Brosnan.  I think I first became aware of him in the early 80’s (so I was still a teen) when he did this mini-series called “The Manions of America.”  Instant crush!  Then came Remington Steele and that just sealed the deal.  Classy, funny, sexy, dream-boat handsome, and did any tux ever do justice to a man like it did for him?  And to top it off, an accent!  Definitely swoon worthy.

I can’t say I nursed my Brosnan crush over the years – I’ve not seen every movie he’s made or anything like that.  But I held a cherished image in my head for nearly 30 years.  It was enough to foster any young lady’s fantasy.

And then …

Just this week …

I was going through my Reader …

And I found …


pierce brosnan totally looks like the burger king

It’s enough to make a grown woman cry!  How dare they take my cherished memory and turn it into a horrifying nightmare!  The gall!  The audacity!  The mascot-ty badness of it all!  *shudder*  My eyes have seen the abomination and now it’s forever etched on my mind.

Sad.  So, so sad.


Aging sucks.




see more Celeb Look-A-Likes

Categories: Celebrity, Just for Fun, LOLz, Memories, Thinking out loud | Tags: , , | 6 Comments

In Sympathy

Goodbye, and thanks for the memories.

see more Lol Celebs


It has been a strange Hollywood week.  Ed McMahon was elderly and apparently in ill health.  Farrah was in intensive care and her family had been called in to say their last goodbyes the night before her death.  Michael Jackson caught everyone off guard.  Three celebrity icons gone.  It seems odd, like the end of some kind of era.  But eras never really “end” do they?  They sort of overlap one another and just … evolve somehow.  The people who died this week haven’t really been in the public eye in a while, and Hollywood will go on to the next “biggest and brightest” star story tomorrow, like it always does.  News is only news until the next story comes along. 

Still, I enjoyed Michael’s music, I envied Farrah’s beauty, and Ed’s straight-man to Johnny brought me a few laughs.  I’m glad I got to witness part of their lives, at least. 

Do they wish to be remembered fondly, with smiles?  Or with tears?  I don’t know.  I do think that laughter can be the best medicine sometimes, and while I certainly mean no disrespect to the families of those who have passed, I did hear a joke that made me smile despite my shock and sadness at the loss of these three this week. 

“Heeeeeere’s Farrah! … Heeeeeere’s Michael!”

And God said, “Doggone it Ed, knock it off!” 

I pray they found peace in Christ before they passed, and that they are now indeed resting with Him.  My sincere condolences to the families of Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and Michael Jackson.  May God comfort you during your sorrow.

Categories: Celebrity, In The News, Sadness | Tags: , , , , | 2 Comments

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