Posts Tagged With: Tips

Ten tips & tricks

Ten awesome Windows tips & tricks | Digital Crave – Yahoo!

here we offer a number of assorted tips and tricks, shortcuts and other little-known features built into your Windows machine. Some are tied specifically to Windows 7, where indicated, but most are applicable for all versions of Windows released over the past decade.

I think the neatest things which I discovered were the shaking trick to clear your desktop of too many open windows, and the trick to change the case from all upper to all lower.  Oh, and the batch renaming tool is cool too.  I love finding out all the little tips like this.  It’s sort of like a tiny Christmas.  :)  Just a couple weeks ago I found out that Windows comes standard with voice recognition software now.  Awesome! 

Yes, I’m a dork, I know.  Quit laughing and go shake some windows!  🙂

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This Week’s Thoughts

Who could think of Elizabeth Taylor and not think of beauty?  Violet eyes and coal black hair.  She had a glamour and a certain charisma that many have tried to copy, and most have failed.  She was a lovely child who grew into a beautiful woman, seeming to skip that awkward teen phase all together. 

And the era’s end caught me by surprise.  So, Adieu Miss Elizabeth.  We bid you sweet farewell.

Elizabeth Taylor was born with it, but the rest of us have to work at it.  Even at that we probably barely get a passing grade in comparison!  LOL  I found these beauty tips online and thought I’d share them with you.

11 one-ingredient DIY face masks

4 Do-It-Yourself Hair Remedies

For sure I am going to try some of these!  Ha, I even remember the girls using some of these tricks back in the 70s, when the whole “natural” movement started. 

More important than outer beauty though, is inner beauty.  Some people ignore that, have you noticed?  We need to cultivate that too.  Kindness, compassion, empathy.  Too bad there’s not an avocado mask for any of those!  Those require real work!  It’s kind of sad, I think, that our society doesn’t seem to reward that kind of beauty as much as it does the outer beauty of a person. 

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Categories: Celebrity, In The News, Thinking out loud | Tags: , , , , , | 4 Comments

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