Daily Archives: February 11, 2013

Reader Rant

Today, Google Reader is the bane of my existence.  Usually, I rely on it every day, to sort through my news articles, blogs I read, LOLcats stuff, yep I’ve even ported Facebook posts into my Reader.  It’s been hinky the past few weeks though, and today I absolutely want to take a shotgun to it and put it out of my misery.  Everything I’ve marked as read for the past month has mysteriously, and stubbornly, showed up back in my Reader, as though I never read it, or marked it as read.  I keep marking things, and poof, there it is again, like some sort of foul magic.  How many times can I delete a thing?! 

I’ve been exploring other feed readers – right now I’m checking out one called RSS Owl.  So far it’s not bad.  I’m trying to figure things out, and of course, when IT imported my rss feeds, it brought everything in for the last 6 months, oy vey!   Still, it’s a cleaner interface, and it’s a desktop application, not something that sits in a browser like Google Reader does.  We’ll see how that goes.  *sigh*

Otherwise, the weekend was good.  Darc was feeling spendy, so we picked up a few things.  I now have under-cabinet lighting.  I’ve wanted under-cabinet lights for maybe 25 or 30 years, and thanks to my beloved, and Menard’s having such low prices, I now have lighting under my cabinets.  I can SEE!  😀

And how was your weekend?


Our sort of sunrise this morning.  It tried real hard!  Eventually it gave up though and succumbed to the cloud cover.

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