Daily Archives: February 12, 2013

Now it’s Time

For so long … But we’ll sing just one more song!  Thanks for doing your part – you sure are smart!

Actually it’s time to say so long, good and faithful servant.  My chair finally died today.  I am sad.  We picked it up back in 2005, when I was expecting my daughter.  I had severe tailbone issues and needed something comfortable to sit in that didn’t put pressure on my tailbone.  Plus, the chair was wider than average which was awesome for after the baby was born and I was a nursing mom.  Room enough for both of us!  I labored in that chair.  Not for long, it was a short labor, but still.  I live in my chair.  I’m only half joking when I call it my throne.  😉

Last year, after Darc got his back diagnosis, we went out and picked up 2 new chairs.  I was going to retire my old one and use the new one.  It was super comfy in the store.  But when we got it home, not so much.  It didn’t lower as much as my old one so the cushion placed a lot of pressure on the backs of my legs, causing my legs to go to sleep.  I tried putting on super high heels to raise my legs some, but who wants to do that?  It wasn’t as wide as my old chair, I lost a good 2 inches, and even though it had lumbar support, it just wasn’t as comfy as my old one. 

So I set that new chair aside and went back to my old one, since we’d passed the return date.  They only gave us 2 weeks, and I thought we had 30 days.  I called them on day 16 and found out that bit of information.  Anyway, the new chair sat in the corner, the kids used it when they wanted to sit near me or daddy while we did computer stuff but for the most part, it’s been kind of a dust collector. 

Until today.

Last night I leaned over to pick something up and the chair leaned waaaaay over.  Too far.  I thought perhaps it was just that I’d lost my balance a little, but today it happened again.  Even worse.  I realized the newly christened Tippy would have to go.  *sad sigh*

Thankfully, I have a basically new chair ready to go.  It does have my name on it, I just don’t have its name on me.  Perhaps in time it’ll get all nice and broken in and comfy.  And I can keep my high heels under the desk next to my slippers, I suppose.  I am so grateful that I have it, and don’t have to resort to one of the plastic chairs on the patio. 

Goodbye chair.  And thanks for all the support through the years!



Sunrise for the 12th of February.  At least, I think there’s a sunrise behind those clouds. 

All rights reserved by DarcsFalcon


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