Daily Archives: February 23, 2013

What Chocolate Dessert Are You?


I inadvertently took this quiz twice, d’oh!  Mousse and truffles – 2 great chocolates that go great together, I guess, lol.  🙂


You Are Chocolate Mousse

Compared to most people, you are blissful and content with your life.
You enjoy each moment, and you try your best to live simply. You think people cause their own anguish.

You are charming and a bit of a smooth character. You can always get by on your charm.
You are confident and sure of yourself. You are comfortable with your own skin and don’t try to be someone else.


You Are Chocolate Truffles

You are unpredictable and even a little zany. No one knows what to expect when you’re around.
You have a short attention span and need a lot of variety in your life.

You are easily addicted to the things that you love. It’s hard for you to only eat one chocolate from the box.


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