Posts Tagged With: Centerpiece


I managed to put together a little St Patrick’s Day centerpiece for the coffee table the other day.  I’m still in “collecting” mode, trying to find just the right things to add to the centerpieces I make.  For this one I even found little shamrock pieces to layer around the candle.  🙂

Bit by bit, I’m re-gathering craft supplies.  I used to have a lot of fun making little decorative things for the house but it’s been a long time since I was able to do that.  It’s nice to be able to again.

Just 2 more days left of school this quarter!  The kids are bouncing off the walls with excitement, lol.  A whole month off! 

Mom’s looking forward to it, too.  😉

So how’s your day going?  Getting things done?  Plans getting accomplished?

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Sunrise 03-07-13.  It promises to be a golden day!

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Categories: Craftiness, Day to Day Life | Tags: , , , , , | 6 Comments


imageI’ve been getting into this centerpiece thing lately.  It’s been a long time since I was able to do anything crafty, so it’s been really nice to dip my toes in again, as it were.  :)  I blame Pinterest.  Heh.  Of course, having the means and the space to be able to do such things is a big factor, too. 

While Darc and I have always been big candle fans, it seems only recently that we’ve been able to indulge our habit.  Having a 7 year old who’s learned how to use the long lighter and gets a thrill out of lighting candles is a big plus too, lol.  I’m sure this will wear off soon, just as everything else does once it becomes mundane.  She’s a fickle one, that girl.  We went through several candles while Darc was on vacation over the Christmas holidays.  Every afternoon as the sun was setting I heard, “Can I light the candles now, Mommy?”

My goal is to make a new centerpiece every month.  Yay!  That means more craft store shopping!  🙂

Do you have any crafts that you like to do?

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Today’s sunrise.

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Categories: Craftiness, Day to Day Life, Homemaking | Tags: , , , | 5 Comments

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