Posts Tagged With: Crafts


I managed to put together a little St Patrick’s Day centerpiece for the coffee table the other day.  I’m still in “collecting” mode, trying to find just the right things to add to the centerpieces I make.  For this one I even found little shamrock pieces to layer around the candle.  🙂

Bit by bit, I’m re-gathering craft supplies.  I used to have a lot of fun making little decorative things for the house but it’s been a long time since I was able to do that.  It’s nice to be able to again.

Just 2 more days left of school this quarter!  The kids are bouncing off the walls with excitement, lol.  A whole month off! 

Mom’s looking forward to it, too.  😉

So how’s your day going?  Getting things done?  Plans getting accomplished?

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Sunrise 03-07-13.  It promises to be a golden day!

All rights reserved by DarcsFalcon

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Categories: Craftiness, Day to Day Life | Tags: , , , , , | 6 Comments


imageI’ve been getting into this centerpiece thing lately.  It’s been a long time since I was able to do anything crafty, so it’s been really nice to dip my toes in again, as it were.  :)  I blame Pinterest.  Heh.  Of course, having the means and the space to be able to do such things is a big factor, too. 

While Darc and I have always been big candle fans, it seems only recently that we’ve been able to indulge our habit.  Having a 7 year old who’s learned how to use the long lighter and gets a thrill out of lighting candles is a big plus too, lol.  I’m sure this will wear off soon, just as everything else does once it becomes mundane.  She’s a fickle one, that girl.  We went through several candles while Darc was on vacation over the Christmas holidays.  Every afternoon as the sun was setting I heard, “Can I light the candles now, Mommy?”

My goal is to make a new centerpiece every month.  Yay!  That means more craft store shopping!  🙂

Do you have any crafts that you like to do?

All rights reserved by DarcsFalcon


Today’s sunrise.

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Categories: Craftiness, Day to Day Life, Homemaking | Tags: , , , | 5 Comments

Happy Columbus Day!

I must say, I am grateful for Columbus on this day.  He started something, intentional or otherwise, that resulted in our nation being what it is.  How could I not be glad of that?  A circuitous chain of events, but it ended up with the Pilgrims coming to this new land, and eventually we became a nation.  So for what he started, I am glad that it ultimately resulted in our nation.  🙂

It was kind of an eventful weekend.  :)  I made it through the grocery store!  A little slow, sure, but I made it.  Actually, I think I overdid it, because I was kind of stiff and sore the next day, but my knee is almost completely healed.  I’d say I’m probably at about 95%.  Yay!

I did some crafty kinds of things with the kids.

2010-10-10b.jpg See their little hand spiders? 
2010-10-10c.jpg Can you tell what I used to make the pattern for the ghosts?  LOL  I got lots of giggles when I was tracing their feet.  :) 
2010-10-10d.jpg I made the big spider a couple of years ago, but the kids loved it so it became a keeper. 

And check this out!  After just a few weeks of school, the MiniNess left this message on the white board:

Some of those letters we haven’t gotten to yet, but she figured them out on her own.  :)  The pronunciation helps crack me up.  In case you can’t tell what it says, it’s “Save the cat Dad, we are Puss in Boots.”  I wish her penmanship was as nice in her books!  She gets kind of sloppy there. 2010-10-10a.jpg

So I got what feels like lots of things accomplished, and I even managed to toss  out some old stuff I’ll never use as well. 

How was your weekend?

All rights reserved by DarcsFalcon

Check out my husband’s latest book, available for download!
A Fine Cast of Characters on Amazon US (Kindle version)
A Fine Cast of Characters on Amazon UK (Kindle version)
A Fine Cast of Characters on Smashwords (non-Kindle versions)


Categories: Family Life, Holiday | Tags: , , | 7 Comments

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