Posts Tagged With: Movies

Tuesday Tootsies

Movies and games and cars, oh my!  Staples of American pop culture, right?

These are the official shoe releases for the remake (?) of the movie Tron.  I kid you not.  They made couture shoes for Tron.  You know, I still haven’t seen that movie, but I kinda like those shoes.




We’re OFF to see the Wizard!  Follow the Yellow Brick Road!  Perhaps the most famous shoes in movie history, those ruby slippers.  




Looking to make an investment?  These are the original shoes worn by Marty McFly in the 1st Back to the Future movie.  I heard they were for sale at auction for 25k.  Your mileage may vary.




Like Pacman?  Now you can get the shoes to show your love.




Or slippers, if you’re the more relaxed type.  🙂




Want a Porsche?  We all do, right?  These even have the official Porsche logo.




These almost look like a face to me, with the way the “headlights” set into the shoe, they look like eyes.   I see these and I hear that line (was it Ted Nugent singing it?), “My face is a Mazeratti.”  I know these aren’t Mazeratti shoes, but that’s the line that goes through my mind.  I can’t drive 55 either.




As always, click the pics for links and be sweet to your feet.  🙂

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Thursday Thankfulness


I like movies.  Always have.  Always wished I could watch more.  Used to want to be a film critic.  Well, I guess I AM a film critic, I just don’t get paid for my opinion.  ;)  But there was always TV … until a few months ago.  Living on a tight budget requires sacrifices and cable was one. 

But we discovered movies at the library when we went to check out some books.  Movies?  At the library?  Who knew?  And free too!  Even I can’t argue with that deal! 

Admittedly our library doesn’t have the latest and greatest movies.  The most recent movies it has are probably 6-12 months old.  But this time has given me a chance to watch some old favorites again, and to catch some movies I never would have caught before.  Like the one we watched tonight called, “Perfume.”  Yeah, I can hear all the males rolling their eyes, thinking “chick flick!”  Well let me set you straight on that score.  I’m not really a “chick flick” movie watcher.  Yes, there are some period pieces I like, like Restoration.  I love costumes.  But I hate romantic comedies.  To prove my point, a few weeks ago when we were browsing the library shelves, my son pointed to a shelf and asked why we didn’t look at the movies on that one.  “Oh, those are comedies,” I explained.  KnytLite asked, “What’s a comedy?” 

Yeah, I bit my tongue on all the smart aleck answers that rolled around in my head.  It’s just that I’ve found that my idea of funny and Hollywood’s idea of funny are in 2 different universes and never the twain shall meet, as the saying goes.  So I stick with drama and action type movies, a touch of sci-fi – I am a Trekker and X-filer afterall.  Darc likes horror and then we get family type movies for the kids.  And we all sit and watch them together, as a family.  Most of the time. 

So today I am thankful for our DVD player that enables us to watch movies together as a family.  🙂

By the way, that movie Perfume was about a serial killer, and starred Alan Rickman and Dustin Hoffman, set in the 18th century.  You know how I am about serial killers.  How could I resist?  😉

What are you thankful for today?

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Monday Mayhem

imageOnce again Monday arrives, just like it has every week since the beginning of time. 

That sounded cool.  🙂

Anyway, how was your weekend?  I didn’t do a whole lot – watched some movies, did housework, gave Darc a haircut.  There’s actually no real mayhem here, because I hate mayhem and chaos and strive to keep it out of my house.  You know. 

The MiniNess is now in love with Puss ‘n’ Boots from Shrek.  I’ve had to put the other Shrek movies on hold at the library.  Every little game she plays now includes PIB, as he’s been affectionately re-named.  She asked if PIB was from Sweden – just like the movie Let The Right One In – I explained that no, the actor who did PIB’s voice was actually from Spain.  Now she thinks Puss is Spanish, so I’ve been trying to explain that no, he wasn’t Spanish, that was just the guy who did his voice but not the guy who invented him.  Then I had to explain that Shrek was not from Spain either – and how do 5 year olds get so many questions going at the same time?  Well, that’s a kind of mayhem I suppose.  Her school supplies arrive this week so by Christmas she’ll know how to read.  :D  Then she can look up the answers to her questions herself.  😉

Hmm.  It seems my connection wants to give me all kinds of grief, so that’s another kind of mayhem I suppose.  I better get this posted while I still can, so I can start your day off right.  You know you’d miss me if I didn’t post.  ;) 

And how was your weekend?

All rights reserved by DarcsFalcon


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Categories: Family Life | Tags: , , | 5 Comments

Wednesday Whittles

I had an interesting dream where Brad Thor was hosting his own talk show.  Yes, that is sometimes the kind of thing I dream about.  :)  I thought it was kind of a cool idea, personally.  I mean think about it – political thriller author hosting talk shows.  It would probably generate a lot of passionate discourse.  Heh.  So I went to his website to see what he was up to – in real life not in the dream – and it turns out he’s got a new book out, and is planning on another one later this year and one next year.  And now I’m 14th in line to get the latest one at my library. 


I felt kind of irritated with Giselle this week.  Yeah, that Giselle, Tom Brady’s wife.  Being a Patriots fan and trying to follow news of them when I can, sometimes she makes the cut too, for the simple fact of who married her.  She blew a great opportunity, I think, in what she could have accomplished.  She said that there ought to be a worldwide law forcing women to breastfeed for the first 6 months of their baby’s life.  Yep, a law that forces women to do something with their bodies that they may or may not want to do.  Worldwide, no less!

Later, after getting a lot of flack about that, she backtracked her comments and said she was just talking. 

What’s irritating is that she had such a great chance here and dropped the ball.  Honestly, I’m a huge supporter of breastfeeding, and I’ve spent a good portion of my life engaged in that activity, and I would (and do!) encourage any woman considering it to go for it.  It’s one of the best things you can do for your baby, and yourself.  But not every woman can, and not every woman wants to.  What Giselle could have done, and didn’t, was express her own positive feelings about it and encourage other women to consider it.  She could have talked about the health benefits to both baby and mother.  She could have talked about how it can bond a mother and child and strengthen their relationship.  Instead she made it sound like it’s something distasteful that needs to be forced on women.  Way to setback, Giselle!   🙄


I learned a lesson this week – the little strainer, the one that’s like 2-cup size, does NOT help boost a wireless signal.  Repeat – the small strainer does NOT boost the signal!  Mayday!  Mayd– 

Back to the big strainer.


My son thought that Christine was mislabeled when he saw the “horror” tag on the video case.  My son, the one who hates horror movies.  Now he searches for THEM! and Let the Right One In every week at the library. 

Honestly, Christine was better back in ‘83. 

And how has your August been so far?

All rights reserved by DarcsFalcon

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Categories: Family Life, In The News, Rant, Thinking out loud | Tags: , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Monday Mayhem

imageIt is a good day.  It’s a blessed day.  The whole weekend was blessed.  :)  And I am full of joy.  No, not the lottery; no, not a job, but a real answer to prayer.  So I’m basically floating on sunshine.  It’s a beautiful thing. 

Other than that, it was a quiet weekend.  Went grocery shopping, watched a lot of movies.  Turns out I grabbed some at the library that I’ve already seen.  Years ago, but my Swiss-cheese movie memory is so bad that I didn’t even remember I’d seen them.  I was showing Darc my picks when he said, “We saw that.  Maybe ‘01 or ‘02, but we saw it.  Oh, and that one too.”  *sigh*  I watched one of them anyway.  Turns out I’d forgotten it all but the end.  *eyeroll*  You know, I remind me of one of the silliest kid’s jokes ever.  Pete and Re-Pete were sitting in a boat, and Pete fell overboard, who was left?  Re-Pete!  Pete and Re-Pete were sitting in a boat and … you get the idea.  That’s what my brain does with movies, I swear.  Most annoying movie memory ever, but really, more annoying for Darc than for me, because he doesn’t forget movies he’s seen. 

So now it’s August, can you believe how fast the Summer has flown?  Hot, sunny, cloudless days to come. 

And how was your weekend?


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Monday Mayhem

Hot.  That’s how my weekend was.  Hot.  The kind of heat that makes you want to curl up inside with a nice book and tall glass of something cold and icy.  Or a good movie.  We’ve had several days of heat alert here, because along with the heat, it’s humid.  It’s the kind of heat and humidity that make it hard to breathe.  So we stay inside and watch movies and read books. 

We have a few favorites around here.  My husband is currently enamored with “Let the Right One In.”  When I say enamored I mean he’s watched it like a dozen times in the last 2-3 mos.  The kids play-act a lot of the scenes now, and can recite them along with the movie.  The MiniNess can do a creepy, spot-on imitation of the main character.  And even I have come to love it.  I wouldn’t watch it at first, thinking it was a horror movie, but it’s not, it’s a tragedy.  I expected gore, but there was none.  I braced for scary music and instead got sad stuff.  I steeled myself for the shocking sudden in-your-face scare scenes and never got any.  It’s a sad tale about a kid who just happens to be a vampire who is trying to survive in a world it doesn’t understand, who was a victim of circumstances it never wanted.  And who weeps when it has to feed.  Watch it, I dare you.  It’s a Swedish film but it’s dubbed in English.  “I’m 12 … but I’ve been 12 for a long time.”  I double dog dare you.

We’re also in love with Kung Fu Panda.  Master Oogway has us all enthralled and we’ll often walk around reciting his lines.  No wiser turtle ever lived.  “One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.”  Po, the panda is also beloved here.  “I’m not a big fat panda. I’m THE big fat panda.”  “Skadoosh!”  I am especially fond of Po’s father, Mr Ping, who likes to say, “We are noodle folk, broth runs through our veins!”  Can you say “noodle folk” 10 times without cracking up?  Betcha can’t!  “There is no special ingredient – To make something special you just have to believe it’s special.”  It’s not just a “kid’s movie.”  It’s about trying to do your best, believing in yourself, trust, and loyalty.  And the animation is stunning. 

And I started going through my husband’s story Sharkey again.  I still cry when I read it, just like I did the first time, because I feel like I lost someone I dearly loved.  Sharkey is the father/grandfather/uncle we all wish we had, I think.  I bet if you read it, you’d love him too.  There are a handful of chapters, but I’m pretty sure Darc is thinking of working on some more soon.  *fingers crossed*

You couldn’t pass the harbor when the ships came in and not see Sharkey. Or, more to the point, hear Sharkey. He tried to be mindful of women and children with his language, but Sharkey was a sailor through and through. And his name was a familiar one when I grew up. Visitors came into Oliver’s wide-eyed and shaken asking who that man on the boat was yelling and screaming and laughing, and Alyssa or Joan, or their mom Bev, and now Joan’s daughter Maris, would just smile at them and say, “Oh, that’s just Sharkey — don’t mind him.”

Yeah, don’t mind him. He doesn’t bite. Much.


He was everyone’s favorite uncle, a kindly loving seaman with Thor’s hammer for a voice and the sea for his eyes. That was Sharkey … it was like the sea came alive and walked among us for a while.

So what do you do for those lazy weekend days when it’s too hot to do anything?

All rights reserved by DarcsFalcon

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Categories: Family Life | Tags: , , | 8 Comments

Thursday Thankfulness

Well now.  I’m really struggling with something to be thankful for this week.  In The Hiding Place,  Betsie and Corrie were grateful for the lice in the barracks of Ravensbrük because it kept the guards away so they could have prayer meetings without fear.  I have yet to meet a louse – well maybe one or two of the human kind 😉 – but I’ve never met the bug and if I did, I don’t think I’d have it in me to be grateful like they were.  Can you imagine being thankful for lice in a concentration camp?  Me either.  Yet I want what they had, that spiritual strength that can sustain through any trial. 

Perhaps that’s what I’m thankful for this week – that I grabbed that movie off the shelf at my library and watched not just the movie, but the documentaries that were also on the disk.  They really touched my heart in a way that I need right now. 

image Have you seen the movie?  It came out in the mid 70s, and I saw it in the theater when I was a little girl, and I also read the book as a young woman.  Re-visiting it has been a good thing for me, a good reminder about how God can work with things that seem useless to us.  Corrie ten Boom was an amazing woman, and as she liked to say, “God has no problems with our lives, only plans.” 

Wise words.  🙂

Is there someone who has touched your life like that?  Encouraged you, uplifted you when you most needed it?

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