Daily Archives: May 19, 2008

Silly Meme

There’s a cute little meme going around on DeviantArt, and I thought I’d share it here with you.  All in silly fun.  🙂

(Um, I’m not tagging anyone – if you want to do it, go for it!)

Rules: Go to Google and search the phrase. Tag 3 friends. Please use your 1st name only…
Use the first thing to come up that makes sense.

Thanks to SpideyGeek and Za-Zen!

Q: Type in “[your name] needs” in the Google search:
A: Hugs! (Always!)

Q: “[your name] looks like”
A: she could touch you and you’d burst into flames she’s so freakin sexxxxyy!!!! (ROFLMFAO!)

Q: “[your name] says”
A: of hopefully writing another album. (yeah, me, the singer!  LMAO)

Q: “[your name] wants”
A: TO TAN NAKED (um, nobody wants to see that!)

Q: “[your name] does”
A: Paris (OMG!  It figures!)

Q: “[your name] hates”
A: loud cell phone talkers (Aha!  A true one!)

Q: “[your name] asks”
A: if she can get anyone something to drink (Thirsty, anyone?)

Q: “[your name] goes”
A: nude on the internet (Sheesh!  Nobody wants to see that either!)

Q: “[your name] likes ”
A: to buy new shoes (Yay!)

Q: “[your name] eats ”
A: frequently throughout the day (Oh no!  My secret’s out!)

Q: “[your name] wears “
A: an outfit that is a bit more revealing than her sister’s (Poor you!)

Q: “[your name] was arrested for”
A: attempted murder when she enters a diner all covered in blood and the staff calls the police. (Damn!  Foiled again!)

Categories: Just for Fun | 6 Comments

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