Daily Archives: May 29, 2008

Sucks to live in Chicago

I found this on Blame it on the Voices.  I did a little research, to see if I could find it too.  And I did.  Now, it must be said that it’s hard to tell for certain that the older boy is holding a gun.  It could be a toy, I suppose.  And if you scan around the picture, you can see other people standing around who don’t seem that concerned that the boy actually IS holding a gun.  Sure looks like a gun though, doesn’t it?  And it looks like the smaller boy is running for his life.  Did Google Maps catch a crime in progress? 

If it really IS a gun, then there are so many things wrong with this picture I can hardly begin to tell you.  But I will!  Oh you knew I would!  First of all, this is broad daylight, in Chicago.  And the fact that it was caught on camera, Google cameras no less, means that the shooter didn’t care who saw him.  Second, this is Chicago.  Where guns are supposedly banned.  How does that saying go?  “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.”  This photo would seem to give that expression all the proof it needs.  And these are kids!  Kids with guns!  I know I don’t need to tell you how wrong that is!  This is what life is like in Chicago for some people.  Walking down the street might get you killed.  For them, it really sucks to live here. 

Because you can’t embed iframes on WP, I can’t paste the map into my own post.  However, if you visit here, or the link below, you should be able to see it.  Sorry for the inconvenience! 

Did Google Maps catch a crime in progress?

Aha!  Thank goodness for Fireshot!  I was able to take a screen shot of the map.  It’s not interactive like it is on the Google Maps site, but you’ll see what I’m talking about.





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Categories: Chicago, Thinking out loud | 14 Comments

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