
I had a husband home from work today, which was nice.  🙂

It’s nice to enjoy the company of the person you’re married to.  You’d think that after all these years, we’d have run out of things to say by now.  But no.  Not us.  We can chat with each other all the time, pretty much non-stop.  And when there are silences – a rare event! – they’re comfortable silences. 

It’s a beautiful thing.  🙂

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It’s weird – whenever the weather looks like this, the phrase, “Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day,” always goes through my mind.  So much for sunrise today!

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Categories: Family Life, My Beloved | Tags: , , | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “Cozy

  1. Sperry

    Great post & so very lucky!

    Thank, Sperry! *hugs*


  2. Beauty fades but good conversation lasts forever.

    Tons of truth in that one! 🙂

    L’Oreal helps with the fading part, too. 😉


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