Daily Archives: November 18, 2009

Blank Checks

I was doing a bit of surfing the other day, and came across this notice from the guys on the Time Bandit, from Deadliest Catch.  I know what I’m doing when I get some money!  I’m getting some Alaskan King crab delivered to my door, fresh off the boat! 

I think this totally rocks and wanted to pass the word along.  🙂


The Official Website of the F/V Time Bandit

Breaking News!

Captains Johnathan & Andy Hillstrand have teamed-up with FishEx Seafood Company to arrange nationwide home delivery of their catch. Treat yourself to succulent, fresh-caught Alaska crab from the very same boat and crew that you’ve watched on TV!.image

This is your chance to enjoy succulent, fresh-caught crab legs- shipped overnight directly to your home or business.  Melt plenty of butter, invite good friends, and feast on the bounty brought to you by your favorite fishermen!  Guaranteed to be the best crab you’ve ever had.




Have you ever had one of those moments where you reach for a word and it’s just not there?  I had such a moment the other day.  *sigh*

Darc and I were watching a show, and the lead actor is Australian, speaks with an American accent for the show, but uses his Australian one for the announcements during commercial breaks.  The “We’ll be right back,” kind of thing.

Darc said, “Can’t keep the Aussie under wraps.”  I remembered that Christian Bale used his American voice for all his Batman promotions, even though he’s from Wales.  So I mentioned that, that Bale did it, kept his accent under wraps.

“Well, he’s not Australian,” quipped Darc.
”Oh I know, he’s … [blank] … [blinking] … Walesian.”  My brain went on vacation and forgot to tell me.

Darc busted up laughing.  “You mean Welsh?  I’m sure you meant Welsh.  Because there’s no such thing as ‘Walesian’.  I hope to God you know that!”

Yes.  I know that.  :roll:  *smack*

Lesson of the day: Don’t ever do drugs in high school, it’ll come back to bite you in the ass later on … years later on.  The gift that keeps on giving. 


And I think my brain is still on some kind of vacation, because I’m pretty blank! 

Tell me about one of your brain blank moments, please, so I don’t feel like such an idiot.  Seriously, Walesian?  I have no idea WTH I was thinking.  It kinda sounds cool, though, right?  Right?

Categories: Family Life, Funny, FYI, WTF? | Tags: , , , | 13 Comments

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