Daily Archives: November 5, 2009

Thursday Thankfulness

I thought quite a bit about whether or not to publish this post.  Typically, I don’t “go there” (you’ll know what I mean) but in thinking about it, I figured, what the hey, why not?  This is about thankfulness, and this is something I’m thankful for on a daily basis, and you probably are too. 

What am I talking about?

That original implant material of developing girls, the necessary fodder for Halloween pranks, what you use when you run out of tissue … yes, toilet paper. 

It’s amazing what humans have used to take care of that need before TP was invented.  I’ve heard of the left hand of India (gag me!), and of course leaves and rags, but corncobs?  Sand?  Yeeoouucchhh!  That’s just too painful to think about!  I’m sure desperate times called for desperate measures, but that’s taking things too far, in my book.  Speaking of books, those were used too – at least the pages were.  That gives “reading in the can” a whole new meaning.  image

I’m grateful I don’t have to wash out rags or sponges, scrape with shells or coconuts, or share a stick with strangers.  I live in an age that is infinitely more sanitary and disposable.  And gentler on the tushie.  Who couldn’t use a little gentleness in their life? 

So thank you Mr. Gayetty, for introducing the first packaged TP in the US.  🙂

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