Daily Archives: November 19, 2009

Thursday Thankfulness

image Yes, WIGSF, it really is Thursday today.  One more day to go!

This week I’ve been thinking about bread.  I made some this week, by hand, yes I did, and it felt pretty good.  Here’s the recipe if you’re interested –>>  Farmhouse Loaf.  It turned out pretty good, although I’m going to use a different oil next time.  I made it to go with a stew I made and it was one of those nice comfy meals. 

Anyway, it got me to thinking about how good it made me feel just to make bread for my family.  Sure, I used to have a bread machine years ago, and those are pretty cool.  But there was something about doing it by hand that made it somehow much more satisfying. 

And then I got to thinking how awesome bread is in general.  [Yes, I’m a huge proponent of the Atkin’s Diet – and for the record, he never said you couldn’t have bread ever again.  But believing in the diet and being able to actually do the diet are 2 different things and not for this post.  :)]

Bread.  You can do so many awesome things with bread.  You can make it sweet or savory; plain or fancy; hearty or puffy.  Think of all the bready type things we have – doughnuts, pastries, cakes, pasta, crusts for pies, sourdough … I could probably go on and on.  Fact is, it’s a staple of life.  And I love it, and I have discovered, I love making it.  Something about just sticking your hands in that big bowl of flour and water, mixing it up, then dumping the whole thing on the counter and kneading it out.  And then the rise – that’s so cool!  It’s like magic.  :) 

So this week I am thankful for bread, and for the making of bread. 

I’ll save you a slice.  🙂

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