Deep Thoughts

imageI do have them.  Apparently just not when I want them, like when I want to do a blog post, or think of something to replace the thankfulness posts.  I still haven’t thought of anything there. 

This week I’ve been trying to get back into “the groove.”  December was like a transition period, and I thought by now I’d be ready to go, but it seems that post-holiday thing has me in its grip.  Trying to balance the housework, the homeschool, it should be a snap, right?  Not like I’ve never done this before.  The kids seem to be having a hard time getting used to Daddy being gone during the day too. 

Hopefully it won’t take long for our new routines to kick in.  Life only happens one day at a time, so that’s what we’ll do and before we know it, things will be all in place.  🙂

We’ve watched some fairly current movies this week, having made a trip to Blockbuster in addition to the library.  Finally saw Shutter Island.  Well acted but predictable.  Got kind of heavy-handed with the music and twists in the middle, I thought.  Darc got The Wolfman, which I actually enjoyed!  Big surprise, huh?  It was very well acted and the story was beautifully done.  Also picked up something called After Life.  If you have a chance to get that one, I suggest you pass.  Liam Neeson and Christina Ricci did a great job acting, but the story was pretty much a bomb. 

I love movies.  Good ones anyway.  How about you?  Seen any good ones lately?

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3 thoughts on “Deep Thoughts

  1. You have to learn to be more efficient. For example, combine housework and homeschooling. Here’s your lesson plan for tomorrow.
    “Okay children. Today you are going to learn to count. First, count the number of tiles on the floor you will be scrubbing. Second, count the number of windows you will be shining. Third, count the number of clothes you will be folding.”

    Then you can spend the majority of the day in a comfy chair reading a good book. And all the while, your slaves, er children will be doing all the housework and the still learning not just their 1 2 3s, but valuable life skills like how to get a red wine stain out of a table cloth.

    Wait a sec, your kids are maybe too young for advanced science like stain removal. But it’s something to think about as they progress in their education.

    YOU are a genius! I LOVE the way you think! 😀

    Never too young for stain removal – you’ve heard of red Kool-aid, right? Heheheh, and you thought red wine was evil! 😉


  2. Lady, you have two full-time jobs! If you can make it “a snap”, then you are made of magic. If you can do it at all, that’s pretty darn impressive.

    You just made my entire month, Spark! Thank you for that! *hugs*


  3. We saw The Town the other night, Ben Affleck’s new film. We were hesitant to watch it because the first preview we saw started to look really interesting, but then the preview kept going, and going, and it felt like we knew the whole story. Friends assured us it was really good, and the clips didn’t give it all away. It was a good watch though, but clearly, we saw a much longer trailer for it than our friends did, because the rest was just filler.

    I haven’t heard of this one yet.

    We have been debating Shutter Island for a few nights now, and aren’t too sure about it. Again, we’re heard a million mixed reviews, and there were too many long trailers for it. (I like nice short ones, enough to make you think “oh!” and that’s it).

    We thought it was predictable, but then again, most movies are. The acting was good.

    We picked up Wolfman a while back on reference from my cousin. He loved it. It wasn’t quite our cup of tea, and the whole time I kept wondering where the fascination with this man came from. I saw him on Ellen once, and they were discussing how women flock to him, and think he’s so gorgeous. I don’t see it. A head scratcher, that one is.

    What man? OH! You mean the lead actor! LOL Gorgeous? Ummm, well, every woman’s different. His character was very charismatic, very much the gentleman and that’s appealing, but his face? Not so much for me. The movie was very well done.

    Last night we saw Grown Ups. When we saw the previews, we thought it would be dumb, and rented it after all our friends said it was hilarious, and it also had a high rating on the Playstation Network (we rent through our console). It was predictable, and obvious, but we laughed a lot regardless.

    Is that a comedy? We don’t seem to rent comedies anymore. I think we just gave up because our own sense of humor seems to be so skewed that nothing we watch like that is very funny to us, heh. We’re weird. 😀 But we laugh our butts off when we’re together.

    We have 3-4 movie passes for the theatre that need to be used by the beginning of February, and we keep checking what’s playing, and nothing is really catching our attention, which is driving us crazy, ’cause we’d hate to see them go to waste. We reluctantly went to see The Tourist last week, the new Johnny Depp, and Angelina Jolie film, and it wasn’t bad, but predictable right out the gate. And Jolie used to be so gorgeous… she looks so sickly now.

    She does! I want to feed her. Use the tickets – I’ve found that often you can be really surprised but what you see. I thought I’d hate Wolfman, but it turned out to be a really good update and done very well. I thought I’d hate Let The Right One In and kind of fell in love with it. So, you never know. Take a chance! You might discover something great. 🙂


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