Posts Tagged With: Family Life

Thirteen is Lucky


Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Clipped from Happy St. Patrick’s Day! – Cheezburger

Haha!  Well, kitty there might be into the booze, but this American girl of some Irish ancestry has a crave on for a Shamrock Shake.  I didn’t have one last year because we’d recently changed our eating lifestyle and I was afraid if I cheated, I’d be a goner.  This year, I know I’ll be fine and can indulge a meal without weakening my willpower.  🙂

Today is a good day.  I can’t believe I even got all the mattresses rotated before noon!  The weather is nice, the groceries are being put away, and the IRS has been nice to me.  God is good, praise Him.  🙂

How’s your day today?

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Midday 03-13-13  Look at that blue sky!  Isn’t it pretty?  :)  It’s a great day, for more than just the weather. 

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In the spirit of St Patrick’s Day, it’s good to get into the fashion of it all.  Green bow ties and bowler hats are fine, but don’t forget the nails!  Or the shoes, but for sure the nails!  😀 


Clipped from A New Holiday I Just Invented – Cheezburger

Last night while my daughter was playing a game on the computer she shares with her brother, I decided to brush her hair.  I figured I’d have her captive to her game, heheh.  On a good day, when it’s not very tangly, it can take a half hour to brush.  I suffer a lot for my vanity!  LOL  I don’t kid myself, it really is MY vanity – she probably wouldn’t care if it was short, but I love her long curly hair.  After a while the ends do this cool corkscrew thing and it’s a mass of sausage curls about halfway up.  It’s so pretty!  To prove to her how pretty it is, I took a picture to show her.  She’s never actually seen how it looks from behind.  I think she’s more appreciative now, after having seen it for herself.  :)  I measured it too, so she could see how long it is.  Over 2’!  Only 4” shorter than mine.  My great grandmother’s hair was down to her ankles, so I guess you could say it runs in the family, lol, but we have some catching up to do. 

Needless to say, my vacuum hates living here.  😉 



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Oh, I forgot the view of the day!


03-12-13 Midday.  A bit of sun peeks in from time to time, but it’s mostly overcast.

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Sparkling Pink

This is our little Valentine’s Day tree.  For now, I’ve used some Christmas ornaments that aren’t exactly Christmas-y, or Christmas colored.  I have more Valentine themed stuff on the way though, so it’ll have hearts on it soon, too.  :) 

Do you do any special decorating for St Valentine’s Day? 



I took a close up of one of the ornaments – now you know I think of you often, Sparkling Red!  😀


Sunrise, so to speak.  What I found most interesting about this one is the neighbor’s car is gone.  Which means the neighbors aren’t home.  Which means it’s quiet.  *sighsofcontentment* 

And now the blizzard has started – the update I just got says 4-8 inches by midnight.  Safe journeys to my husband, and all the other commuters out there who have to drive in the mess.

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clip_image001Perhaps it’s nothing more than the doldrums of winter and cabin fever.  Perhaps it’s just part of the new routine.  My daughter generally wakes up grumpy and my son does not.  He really is more of a morning guy and likes that we’re getting up early now.  My daughter, the night owl, not so much.  He likes to rub her face in her grumpiness, which naturally causes her to be not just grumpy, but irritated.  And then the sparks fly!  Usually from me because by that time I’m sick of listening to them both. 

Most of the time, by the time they’re done with breakfast, they’re both in generally pretty good moods.  I should institute a “NO talking until breakfast is done!” rule, heh.  Yeah, that’ll work, lol. 

In other news, we found out why our new Internet service hasn’t been so hot lately.  We called over the weekend and they sent a man out Sunday, and poor guy – he worked several hours in freezing rain, checking all the cable boxes they have in the area.  Turns out a mouse had moved into one of the boxes and was chewing on some wires.  He said it tends to happen rather regularly during the cold months, and I remembered when that happened in a car I had about 20 years ago or so.  Maybe I’ll tell you about that on a Whensday post. 

So all’s well that ends well, well, except for the mouse, ha!

How was your weekend? 

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Today’s sunrise – or lack thereof.  At least temps are decent for January!


Clipped from It’s a Forever Bond – Cheezburger

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imageWhat did you do over the weekend?  I intended to get caught up with a lot of my online reading.  Oh how deluded I was!  LOL

Instead, we did some errand running, which was really a spontaneous thing.  But I have a new mousepad!  See?  <<–  I was walking around the office supply store and I kept hearing my name being called and I found this mousepad was the one calling me.  I mean check it out – butterflies, roses, shoes, pink!  My name, right there!  :D  Could it be more me? 

Then we watched a couple of movies, which was fun.  Saw some good ones too – Hereafter and Frankenweenie.  Hereafter was a slow mover but the story was really interesting.  Frankenweenie was really fun, a lot of homage going on in that one too, as well as being cute for the kids.  The Bambi Meets Godzilla reference made me laugh. 

Naturally I got behind on the household stuff I wanted to do.  Isn’t that what weekends are for, really?  Not getting done what you’d hoped?  LOL  I spend my life catching up – Lord only knows what would happen to me if I actually ever did get caught up.  I bet my head would explode. 

So we begin week 2 of our new schedule and so far so good.  The kids seem to be adapting, I seem to be adapting, although a bit slower than the kids.  Maybe a couple more weeks for me.  Hopefully!

This was our sunrise this morning.  So nice to see sunlight!  We had a touch of snow over the weekend and it was mostly gray and overcast.  Hello Mr Golden Sun!  Please shine down on me!


And what are your plans for the day?

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Day Two

The first day school went really well!  The kids were happy and excited to get their work done earlier in the day. They were glad they got up early.  My son even apologize for having been so critical of the change in our previous normal.  They’re actually looking forward to day two!

As for me, it was nice to get all my work done early, too.  I’m not normally a day person, so this has been a nice change of pace. I’m even looking forward to seeing how things go today, maybe even more than the kids.  After all, starts are easy – it’s maintaining them that’s hard.

Assuming I can get them out of bed, lol. 


How are you doing with your resolutions?

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First Monday

It’s Resolution Monday!  First Monday, of the first month, of the new year.  Typically, when I make a new year’s resolution, this is the day I set as my “start day.”  I never begin on Jan. 1st. 

Did you make any resolutions this year?  I was going to say that I didn’t, but I suppose I sort of did.  Not like quitting smoking or anything like that.  (Hey!  Has it actually been 3 years already since I quit?!)  Not like diet or exercising.  I’m already committed to a diet that I have no intention of deviating from.

But, I’m up early.  Considering my typical vampire nature, this is a major switch, and it’s my plan for going forward.  So that’s my resolution, I suppose – human hours.  I’ve struggled with this my entire life, so there’s no guarantee of success.

I do want to get the kids on a more regimented schedule though.  New school year starts today!  The newly anointed 6th and 3rd grader aren’t too pleased about this but … tough.  Ogre mom has decided and that’s the end of that!  I’ve got my class schedules all planned out, assignments assigned, and their alarm is set. 

We’re going for a new normal here.  Wish us luck!

How about you?  Any changes for 2013?


Our sunrise this morning.  🙂

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