If you could choose

Nary a thought.  That’s what’s on my mind right now.  Some would say that’s nothing new.  :P 

It’s times like this that I visit a link my beloved sent me some time ago, to a site called Creativity Portal.  It’s pretty cool.  They have all kinds of prompts and things to help people with writing and creativity.  So I went to the imagination prompt and got the question: If you could choose a different time period to live in, when would it be?

I liked it. 

The answer really depends on my mood because there are different things I like about different time periods and, like favorite ice cream flavors, it’s hard to pick just one.  Tonight I’m in the mood for Little House on the Prairie time.  That imageperiod when people in this country could just pick up and move to a new place, stake out some land, farm it and own it.  I love the thought of my husband being within shouting distance when he’s at work around the place, and I love the thought of growing my own food and making my own clothes.  I love the idea of my kids running outside to play without a care in the world, and me not having to worry about someone running them over in the parking lot or snatching them up and hurting them.  I love the thought of neighbors far enough away that you could walk outside naked if you wanted to, but near enough that you could run to in an emergency.  And the quiet!  No nearby expressways to constantly thrum in your head.  No sounds always bombarding you.  Can you imagine the quiet?  *sigh*  Crickets chirping and slight breezes rustling in the grasses.  A lovely notion!  And stars!  No big city bright lights to drown out the stars!  That would be so awesome. 

I think I would have survived in such a time.  I think I’d have done well and been successful at it.

Except for that plumbing thing.

Categories: Thinking out loud | Tags: , , | 10 Comments

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10 thoughts on “If you could choose

  1. I have to tell you when I first read this I thought you said your beloved in SHOOTING distance.

    ROFLMAO – nah, I reserve the shooting thing for my ex. 😉

    I think I might be secretly angry at my hubby;)

    So funny, we were just talking about LHOTP yesterday, because my daughter’s teacher is reading Little House in the Big Woods to the class. And I was wishing I lived during that time too:)

    Laura put a great spin on everything, didn’t she? Those are some of my favorite books. 🙂


  2. whatigotsofar

    No way. Back then, their football games didn’t even have the forward pass yet.

    *gasp* You’re right! What was I thinking?!


  3. Seems like a running theme in your house lately. 🙂

    It does? You mean plumbing? Or living in another time?


  4. steve

    Good one Ness.
    I really think I should have been a cowboy around the 1870’s or 1880’s. I can visualize riding into town on a grand horse, my 6 shooter strapped to my hip … walking into the saloon … hmmmmm
    yeah, I should have been a cowboy …

    Cowboys are awesome! At this late date in my life, I think I’ve fallen in love with that part of America’s history. Even though I used to play Cowboys and Indians as a kid, it seems the whole notion of it is just now setting in. 🙂 Better late than never, right?


  5. What are you doing in Chicago? When you could have that life and a city not far away in Arizona. And a cowboy hat too. 🙂 Love the cabin. Sent you a shoe.

    What am I doing here? You know, 3 decades in I’m still trying to figure that one out!

    Loved the shoe, btw! That was great, thanks! 🙂


    • I stayed in LA until I lost everything. 23 years. Think the man upstairs was trying to tell me something?

      Oh dear heart! I don’t know if He was trying to tell you something. That’s between you and Him.

      Let me just say, I know how painful that was for you – more than you can realize. *hugs*


  6. The lack of plumbing, isolation, wind, weather, and babies dying for mysterious reasons drove a lot of prairie women totally insane. It was not an easy life.

    I’m only interested in the good parts. Positive thinking! 😉

    I think I would pick that decadent time before the French Revolution as long as I was an aristocrat and not a peasant. Since it’s much more likely I would be a peasant, I guess I could ride out the carnage of the Revolution and tear stuff up.

    I love that period too – Marie Antoinette is a favorite of mine. Although now that I think about it, being an aristocrat during that time might not have been such a good thing. I’m kind of attached to my head. But tearing stuff up has real appeal. 🙂


  7. I’m not sold on the idea of living in any other time. Except maybe the future, if things are going to get better. I’d be blind before the invention of high-index eyeglass lenses. I’m also very attached to my central heating, A/C, fleece pj’s, and other modern comforts.

    Well … yeah. I love the modern comforts too. 🙂 Technologically we’ve come a LONG way since pioneer times. And that’s not a bad thing! I just wish we’d been able to hold on to some of the good things from that time. Sometimes I feel like we’ve thrown the baby out with the bathwater.


  8. You can go to many places and they still live this way. It’s cool for about 3 days then it was time to go to the beach :o)

    LOL You know, 3 days would probably be the limit of my success in living that kind of lifestyle, if I’m honest with myself.


  9. You and Darc are thinking about all kinds of time zone crossing. Is it time for a new adventure? I like that you both describe a similar scene. At least in this time period you would likely have plumbing in your rural setting. I like it! 🙂

    Oh yeah! His country post!

    I don’t know if it’s time for a new adventure – we’ve sort of had enough of the old adventure! But yes, plumbing is definitely a must!


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